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Mistakes and Failures

Mistakes and Failures
They're just as much a part of you as every triumph and victory, and should be appreciated and cherished just the same.
Anything could happen in any way, good or bad, and it would have just as much significance.


What matters to you?

Selling a Message

Selling a Message
It takes having nothing to appreciate everything.

The most valuable thing in existence.

The most valuable thing in existence.
Human life is the most valuable and priceless thing in the world. We are living in the most dangerous and violent time in human history. It's you'...


  Everybody always has a nichè. Everybody has their own vision and place in the world. Everybody tries so hard to be different, most of their ...

Viva La Revolución

Viva La Revolución
  I love rap music probably more than anybody, but I grew up on all different types of music. Classical, rock/punk, R&B, hip hop, jazz, et...

A New Beginning

A New Beginning
 The '"New Beginning" Collection was created for me just as much as it was for you. just as it represents change and a "rebirth" for whoever weari...